Our Certificate & Online Programs for 2021

A female graduate holding the certificate

Our Certificate & Online Programs for 2021

A modern language degree is not just about learning a new language – though of course attaining a high level of fluency is one of the goals. Many programs will require students to study courses which develop their understanding of past and present cultures relating to the country (or countries) in which the language of study is spoken. This learning often requires the study of literary texts, film and media, as well as learning about the historical and political contexts of a certain region. Professionally focused courses may also be available, covering topics such as translation, international relations, business processes in different regions, or media and communication studies.

It’s possible to study modern languages either as a single honors degree or alongside another subject as a joint honors degree. Common joint honors choices often remain within the humanities, including subjects such as politics, history and literature, but modern languages can also be combined with subjects such as chemistry or mathematics, for those wishing to keep their options as broad as possible. Another option is to study two languages, such as Arabic and And Spanish.

One of the main attractions of a modern language degree is the opportunity to spend either a semester or a year abroad in a country where the language of study is widely spoken. This experience aims to increase proficiency in the language of study, while also allowing students to immerse themselves in another culture and meet the challenge of communicating with a broad range of people. For this reason, many modern language programs are four years in length, with one year (often the third year) spent in a partnered institution abroad, either working or studying.

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Arabic Language 30 Ects
Spanish Language 30 Ects
English Language 30 Ects
Japanese Language 30 Ects
Esperanto Language 30 Ects